A MUSICAL director has retired after spending 40 years with an amateur theatre company.

George Hetherington, 73, of Neville's Cross, Durham, started working with Durham Musical Theatre Company four decades ago.

He was presented with a commemorative shield for services to the city of Durham by mayor Councillor Mary Hawgood.

Mr Hetherington said: "I love the company because I have been with them so long but 40 is a round number.

"I know it is a clich but there comes a time in every man's life when it is time to do something different.

"It has been a lovely time, and although I feel I could do more, you can't keep saying just one more."

Mr Hetherington has just finished directing the score for Guys and Dolls at Durham's Gala Theatre.

He still plans to write music and is performing at Edinburgh Festival later this year.