As the Government launches its clampdown on Neighbours From Hell, The Northern Echo has gone in search of Neighbours From Heaven. Chris Webber took a walk down the friendly street that lives up to its name.

IT is not sentiment that makes the people of Friendship Lane friendly. There's a tougher, real neighbourliness to be found on the Headland in Hartlepool.

There's toughness that led John Wallace to brave heat and smoke to pull four children from a flat fire on the street in 1989 when he was only 24.

But there is also a less dramatic, more everyday neighbourliness, the kind that makes Paul Noble ensure the pensioners on the street get their sandwiches at the local pub.

It's also the kind of friendliness that makes a man go round taking out the pensioners' wheelie bins for the refuse collectors. Or there's the woman who watches the children playing snowball fights in case they get hurt. These are the people of Friendship Lane and these are the people who make our communities work across the North-East.

They are people like Liz Hall, landlady of the Fishermen's Arms on South Gate, just by the Friendship Lane flats. But, as Liz soon makes clear, it is a robust friendliness that can withstand a little humour.

"We are friendly people here," glares Liz at her pub regulars, "and anybody who says we aren't will get a bat!"

There's laughter at that, and when one regular says: "It's good here because everybody knows your business, but it's bad here because everybody knows your business."

Talk at the bar turns to the changes in the area which, in the industrial age passed just a few, short years ago, was home to fishermen and dock workers for whom the sea was a workplace.

With the work went much else. Liz, landlady for nearly 18 years, said that the people of Friendship Lane, which was once bombarded by German warships in the First World War, could send their children to two senior schools, could call on their own police station and, when sick, could go to their own hospital. All those community facilities are now gone.

But the people haven't changed, according to Bernard Pearson, 78, former fish quay agent.

"Codheads, that's what they would call us," he laughs. "We, the people of real Hartlepool, were the codheads and the West Hartlepool people were the west dockers. The whole image of the town, the whole town, has changed. But the people here are just the same."

As if to prove his point, inside the pub men play cards and chat at the bar. Stepping outside, someone near St Hilda's Church helps a driver with directions. It's an everyday scene of quiet friendship in Friendship Lane. It's a scene that never seems to change.

* To nominate someone as a Neighbour From Heaven, fill in the form on page 9 of today's Northern Echo, and return it to: Neighbours From Heaven, Newsdesk, The Northern Echo, Priestgate, Darlington, DL1 1NF. Closing date for entries is June 1.

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