A SIGN language performance of Miss Saigon will be staged on Thursday to allow deaf people to enjoy the spectactular show.

Paul Whittaker, of the charity Music and the Deaf, will be appearing on stage alongside the stars of Miss Saigon at the Sunderland Empire.

He is deaf, but has signed more than 60 theatre productions, including Les Miserables, Cats, Phantom of the Opera, and Starlight Express.

Mr Whittaker said: "Once seen, never forgotten. The marvel of signing is totally absorbing.

"The signing of such blockbuster hits as Miss Saigon has added a new dimension to the lives of deaf people.

"Through our pioneering work in the theatre, Music and the Deaf has enabled the world of the theatre to include deaf people in its spectacular productions and continues to focus public attention on the difficulties of deafness."

The show starts at 7.30pm. Tickets cost £14 to £25.50. To book, call 0191-566 1056.

Published: 23/02/2005