A PENSIONER is campaigning to stop anti-social behaviour.

Pearl Hall, 83, is knocking on doors in South Bank, Middlesbrough, to confront teenage tearaways and their parents.

It is part of her campaign, called Save South Bank.

More than 1,000 terraced homes in the district could be demolished under Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council's regeneration plans.

"I go to the houses, I'm not afraid," said the pensioner. "I know everyone here, even the strangers.

"If the parents tell me it was not their child I say I don't accept that; I recognise him and I want it stopping. I tell them I want action or I have no other way but to go to the police."

Mrs Hall passes names and addresses to the community's two beat police officers.

Mrs Hall added: "We are beating anti-social behaviour and we are the lowest ward in Teesside for fires. If these are not arguments for rebuilding South Bank, I don't know what is."

Councillor Chris Abbott, cabinet member for neighbourhood renewal with the borough council, said there were two options, one for full demolition, the other for partial demolition of nearly all South Bank's older homes.

He said a Government announcement on the proposed £80m plan is expected shortly.

The plans would include new housing and a new shopping centre, off the trunk road and pockets of woodland and open spaces.

Coun Abbott said: "The vast majority of residents are in favour. Both options are for massive, radical changes."