CHURCH leaders say continued attacks by vandals are threatening the future of their community chapel.

Sunnybrow Community Chapel has to spend money earmarked for repainting on repairing damage to guttering and roof slates only a few months after it paid £1,500 for repairs after a vandal attack.

Church secretary Brian Myers said the future of the chapel was now under consideration.

Mr Myers said: "We as an elderly congregation are continuously struggling to raise funds to heat and maintain the chapel building because we believe that by providing a community building for the use of the residents we are demonstrating God's love in a practical way.

"The chapel is a vital part of village life and as such its building and resources are made available for general public use.

"We are already struggling to keep our heads above water and this repeated vandalism puts an unnecessary strain on already stretched budgets.

"We have been running as a community chapel for 12 years and it is only in the last few months that we have seen the need to consider our future activities in the light of the mindless actions of a few.

"I appeal to the villagers to report any incidents of vandalism to the police."

Anyone with information can contact police at Crook on 0845 6060365 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.