MIDDLESBROUGH Football Club has certainly got the flags out as their European adventure continues.

Banners featuring Boro legends past and present have been raised in town centre in the build-up to today's Uefa Cup tie.

They have gone up as about 300 fans of Grazer AK are expected in the town for their team's clash with the Premiership side.

The 12ft high banners have been hung from lighting columns along Newport Road and Corporation Road, from Sainsburys as far as the UGC Cinema.

In a joint venture between Middlesbrough Council and the Middlesbrough Town Centre Company, the series of banners has been produced under the title of Boro Legends Then and Now.

The flags feature Boro greats over a period of more than 100 years, and they range from Tom Bach in 1887 to present-day players such as Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink.

Three replica banners, measuring nesrly 5ft and featuring Brian Clough, have been commissioned and they will be auctioned.

The cash raised will go towards the appeal launched in Middlesbrough to provide a statue of Clough, who died last year.

The legends list was compiled by Middlesbrough FC and Boro TV's Alistair Brownlee.

Dave Budd, Middlesbrough Council's executive councillor for regeneration, said: "Middlesbrough's European adventure has been extremely useful in putting the town on the national and international stage, and it is very important we help to fly the flag."

Flying the flag: Flags go up in Middlesbrough town centre celebrating the best of Middlesbrough FC's former players ahead of tonight's UEFA cup tie with AK Grazer