A SEASIDE attraction was busy with last-minute preparations yesterday as some nervous new arrivals were introduced.

But there was really no need for concern - as the four penguins took readily to the surrounds of the Scarborough Sea Life Centre.

The newcomers, from the growing flock at a sister attraction in Belgium, were expected to be very hesitant about moving into their North Yorkshire home.

Seven other Humboldt penguins already live there and the intention is to create a long-term breeding colony.

When the latest penguins arrived - in appropriately freezing conditions - they could not wait to take to the water of their custom-made pool, and immediately made friends with the existing birds.

The original residents are all named after children's TV and cartoon characters - Piglet, George, Dougal, Mr Clumsy, Johnny, Dick and Muttley.

Staff are now inviting suggestions for names that continue the same theme for the new penguins - two females and two males.

Suggestions can be sent to the centre, and there is a free family visit on offer as a prize for the best suggestion. Anyone wanting to put forward a potential name can call (01723) 373414.