A SEX offender exposed himself to two women in an alley, then ran away when they challenged him, a court heard yesterday.

Derek Fitzhugh was caught on security TV, in Traders Alley, off Stockton High Street, early on New Year's Day, Teesside Crown Court heard.

He got into a Honda Civic car parked in the Prince Regent Street car park.

Fitzhugh admitted to police that he exposed himself and said his intention was to insult the two women.

The 44-year-old, of Windstone Farm, Great Ayton, North Yorkshire, had 35 previous convictions of a sexual nature, the court was told.

This included a rape in 1993 when he received a nine-year jail term and two counts of indecent exposure. He was also convicted in 1995 for three counts of indecent exposure.

Recorder of Middlesbrough Judge Peter Fox QC said he was minded to give Fitzhugh a conditional discharge because he had spent seven weeks in custody, but Jonnie Walker, defending, said his client needed help.

"He is managing to keep control of his urges. This defendant is concerned if these urges are not addressed and if the underlying reasons are not dealt with by professionals, these urges could cause difficulties," he said.

Fitzhugh, who pleaded guilty to indecent exposure, was given a three-year community rehabilitation order with a condition he attends the Northumbrian sex offenders programme.