SHOPS in Stockton could face prosecution after an undercover operation exposed sales of cigarettes and alcohol to under- age youngsters.

Stockton Borough Council's trading standards and licensing service carried out two test purchase operations involving 13 and 14-year-old volunteers.

The operation, during the half-term break, targeted retailers identified from complaints made by residents and surveillance from enforcement partnerships.

During the first operation, the 13 year-old attempted to buy cigarettes and was sold them at 80pc of shops visited.

In the second operation, a volunteer aged 14 was sold alcohol in 40pc of shops targeted.

David Kitching, trading standards and licensing manager, said: "This level of sales is unacceptable.

"Those retailers who sold the cigarettes and alcohol are being investigated with a view to the institution of legal proceedings.

"Retailers should always verify the age of a purchaser if in doubt. What is more disappointing in this instance is that on one occasion our volunteer was asked for an ID card, produced one that showed her real age, and yet the shop assistant still went ahead with the sale.

"Further operations are proposed, so retailers are warned to take great care in asking for, and checking, appropriate forms of identification."

Coun Martyn Ingram, cabinet member for housing and community safety, added: "It is concerning that the irresponsible behaviour of certain retailers in selling alcohol and similar products to under-age purchasers could be contributing to the anti-social behaviour by teenagers being experienced in certain areas of the borough."

Retailers wanting advice can contact the trading standards and licensing service on 01642 526560