TAXPAYERS in County Durham are facing above-inflation rises in their council tax bills this year to offset a £12m equal pay claim from staff.

Members of Durham County Council voted this week to ratify the authority's £500m budget for the coming year at an emergency meeting of the council.

Following a £368.5m grant from central government, the authority is asking taxpayers to pay a 4.6 per cent increase in the amount they pay for county council services.

Council leader Ken Manton said that, while the increase would finance improved services in a growth programme worth nearly £10m, a significant part of the rise was being swallowed up by the £12m the authority was setting aside to deal with equal pay claims from staff.

The authority, like other councils across the country, has been involved in protracted negotiations with the trade unions to resolve an historic dispute over the grading of different posts, which the unions say discriminate against female employees such as school cooks in favour of traditional male posts such as road sweepers.

Coun Manton described the issue of equal pay as 'the elephant in the corner' and said that the authority had taken the decision to deal with the issue now.

"We are at last dealing with equal pay," he said. "We are in the process of trying to settle out of court through negotiations with the trade unions and the workforce, but it means setting aside £12m for compensation this year and something in the order of £8m in future years."

However, Coun Manton also said the budget, the last before May's county council elections, included increases of £7.7m for improved health and social care, including the employment of more social workers and the building of extra care homes, £0.9m more for school renovation programmes and an additional £0.6m for recycling and waste schemes.

People in Darlington pay council tax directly to the borough council, whose cabinet has already backed a 4.8 per cent rise for 2005/06. The rise - equivalent to an extra 57p per week for Band A homeowners - must be agreed by the full council next month.

Sedgefield Borough Council is proposing a three per cent rise, alongside the charges from Durham County Council, the police and fire authorities and local parish councils.