A PRIMARY school has celebrated getting top marks in a healthy school award.

The occasion was marked by Woodlea Primary School in Fencehouses, with a day of healthy activities, including aerobics classes, food tasting and dental health sessions.

School nurse Moira Swan, of the Durham and Chester-le-Street Primary Care Trust, carried out sessions on how to look after yourself.

Dave Evans of Durham LEA and Alison Bateman from Scholarest held healthy fruit and vegetable tasting sessions over the lunch time period.

Trust chairman Ann Calman presented the County Durham and Healthy School Standard to head teacher Peter Robinson.

The school got the award for achieving the nationally-accredited standard in healthy eating, physical activity and other core themes.

Ms Calman said: "By raising their awareness of the importance of their health and well-being we will hopefully see fitter and healthier young people in the County Durham area in the future."

Mr Robinson said: "Staff and pupils from the school worked hard to achieve the award by looking at all areas of the school to see how life could be improved, identifying strengths and areas for development."