A TEAM of high-powered businesswomen showed off their assets when they stripped for a saucy charity calendar.

The Grainger Trust women, who are more used to dealing with homes for a property developer, posed with just a few carefully positioned power drills and hard hats to spare their blushes.

The calendar, which has been selling for £100 a copy, was produced to raise money for the homelessness charity Shelter.

The women, all of whom work for the Newcastle-based landlord and property developer The Grainger Trust, came up with the idea following a company night out.

In the sober, cold light of day, they recruited photographer Emily Andersen to take the pictures.

Clothes were discarded for the shoot, with glasses of champagne keeping nerves at bay.

With husbands and families supporting them, plenty of money has been raised for a very good cause.

Miss September Melanie Weaver, PA to the director of urban development, who hid her blushes behind a triangular Men at Work sign, said: "Emily, the photographer, was fantastic and made everyone feel completely at ease."

Newlywed Rosie Orringe, 28, who posed for the April shot, said: "All the girls got in the spirit of it and we had great fun - helped by a glass or two of champagne.

"The reaction has been really positive - everyone thinks it is really brave and a good effort for charity. I might want to do it again but I think the novelty value might wear off second time around."