A ROW over babysitting sparked a late-night fight in Darlington town centre, magistrates were told.

Laura Jane Hodgson, 20, of Saltersgate Road, Darlington, slapped her friend Tracy Jones after an argument over Miss Jones' baby, said Sheila Moore, prosecuting.

Miss Jones was left with a cut to her face, swollen gums and dental problems.

Hodgson admitted assault and was given a 12-month conditional discharge, with £50 compensation and £75 costs.

South Durham Magistrates heard how the women were enjoying a night out together, in November, but Hodgson objected to Miss Jones going nightclubbing - leaving her three-month-old son in the care of Hodgson's brother.

The altercation happened when Miss Jones left Escapade nightclub in Gladstone Street, after 2am.

Ms Moore said: "The defendant shouted abuse at Miss Jones because she said her brother had been trying to call all night about the baby.

"Despite the fact that the defendant had been encouraging Miss Jones to go home, she was on the arm of two squaddies."

Michael Clarke, mitigating, said: "The defendant took issue with the fact Miss Jones had left her child at home, and takes issue now with some of the details of that night."