A MAN subjected his partner to a vicious attack and threatened to kill her when she asked him to leave her home, a court heard yesterday.

Andrew Paul McDermott, 31, of Ingleton Road, Stockton, told his girlfriend Claire English he would beat her so badly that no one else would want her.

Darlington Magistrates Court was told Ms English suffered a deep cut above her left eye, after McDermott grabbed her by the throat, pinned her to the bed and punched her in her Darlington home.

Only the intervention of her 19-year-old daughter ended the attack.

McDermott admitted assault occasioning actual bodily harm and was given a year-long community rehabilitation order, with £75 compensation and £125 costs.

Sheila Moore, prosecuting, said the incident had not been the first. "In their two-and-a-half year relationship, Ms English kept complaining that he became violent towards her, slapping her, pushing her around," she said.

"Although she took out an injunction, she allowed him back into her life and her home."

Since the attack, Ms English had lost confidence in herself and others, she said. "She no longer feels safe in her home, or on her own at work.

"She has been afraid to go out, and has not been able to keep up relationships with some friends and family."

Ms Moore added that McDermott had been convicted in June 2001 of inflicting actual bodily harm on his ex-wife.

Graeme Hunsley, mitigating, said McDermott regretted his actions, and that domestic violence had had a serious impact on his life.

"He was a witness to it in his youth between his parents, and has inherited some of the character traits of his father," he said.

"But the other part of him can't abide that behaviour. These two parts of his character are tearing him apart."