POLICE have appealed for help in tracing a car that caused one of its patrol cars to crash into a lamp-post as it answered an emergency call.

A police spokesman said officers were driving a marked Ford Focus along Billy Mill Avenue, North Tyneside, following a report of a burglary, at 7.25pm on Tuesday.

A silver, old-style three-door Vauxhall Corsa pulled out of Verne Road, into the middle of the road.

The officer driving swerved to avoid the car, and managed to prevent the police car from turning over, but collided with a lamp-post. She suffered a possible fractured hand, bad whiplash, burn injuries from the airbags and bruising to her knees.

A sergeant who was a passenger suffered extensive bruising and facial burns. Both were taken to hospital but later released, although both are still off work.

The driver of the Vauxhall is described as being a woman with shoulder-length blonde hair in a bob style.

Anyone with information is asked to contact 0191-214 6555 extension 63126.