PUPILS from a north Durham school will get a lesson in healthy eating next week at an event featuring taster stalls with fruit and vegetables.

More than 120 Year 9 and 10 pupils from Tanfield Comprehensive School, in Stanley, will take part in a Carousel Event on Monday and Tuesday to mark Healthy Eating Week.

The health event, aimed at pupils between 13 and 15 years old, is being co-ordinated by the Why Five team from Derwentside Primary Care Trust's Health Promotion Department.

The team aims to increase fruit and vegetable intake across all sectors of the community, and is supported by a large number of agencies - including school meals provider Scholarest, school nurses, Tanfield School Nutrition Action Group (SNAG) and members of the Local Education Authority.

Other activities at the event include a dental health stand, and input from dietetics will also be available.

PCT food and health work promoter Gillian Watson, said: "By raising awareness of the importance of eating fruit and vegetables every day we will hopefully see fitter and healthier people in the future.

"Eating at least five portions of fruit and vegetables (400g) a day can help to significantly reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke and some cancers."