FURIOUS business partners are withdrawing their sponsorship for Darlington Borough Council projects after a second customer received a £60 parking fine.

Richard Hindle and Gwen Brown, who own Gallerina in Duke Street, have confirmed they will not renew some of their sponsorship of two council roundabouts and town centre floral display in protest at a new parking meter scheme in Duke Street.

"We're building a car park and we're opening on a Sunday when the silly charges don't apply," said Mr Hindle.

"The thing that I am angriest about is the arrogant approach and the complete lack of consultation.

"It affects people's experience - it is all part of the 'Welcome to Darlington'. Darlington Borough Council doesn't know how to look after my customers."

He said that many other independent traders in the area felt the same.

"The council can't possibly understand the time and effort we have put in. Small business owners are the only thing that make a town or city unique. It is the little people who make the shopping experience. And we are getting hammered."

The owners believe that the gallery, which attracts customers from all over the country, is losing business because of the scheme.

A council spokesman said there had been consultation with residents and business owners before the scheme was introduced.

The scheme was clearly marked and had been well-publicised. Visitors not familiar with the town centre should check about parking costs before stopping.