Nominations have been flooding in for The Northern Echo's Neighbours From Heaven awards and the chance to win a dream cruise. Sarah Park reports on the first of our nominees.

ONE man has devoted his retirement to making his community feel safer and for the local postmistress that deserves a Neighbour From Heaven award.

Harold Wilsher, 63, from Billy Row, Crook, is the local Neighbourhood Watch Officer and patrols the streets of his village day and night in his fluorescent jacket keeping an eye out for trouble.

Not that children are hanging around with nothing to do, as Harold has also set up a youth club in the community centre to give them somewhere to go at night.

Now postmistress Denise Johnson, 40, has nominated Harold for a Neighbour From Heaven Award to say thank-you for his dedication to his community.

Denise said: "Harold has made a massive difference to Billy Row.

"The area seems calmer, the people feel safer.

"He has organised the Smart Water Property Marker to be brought to Billy Row.

"He walks people's dogs so they can go to work and he has provided a place for the children to meet up.

"He is a little Samaritan."

Harold became a Neighbourhood Watch Officer six years ago after taking early retirement due to illness.

He spent his working life outdoors on the roads as a Durham County Council officer and after retiring he helped the previous Neighbourhood Watch officer until she left and he took over full-time as the eyes and ears of the community.

Harold, who lives with his wife Mary, 63, in Stanley Way, said that he knew people were pleased with his work but he never expected a Neighbour From Heaven nomination.

He said: "This is great but I don't know why I deserve this, it's just normal.

"I saw the competition in The Northern Echo the other day but never imagined someone would put my name forward.

"I can't believe Denise has nominated me."