A NORTH Yorkshire company is celebrating after a business strategy programme it has been involved in winning a major European award.

The Strategy Blueprint initiative, devised and piloted in the Yorkshire and Humber region, has become one of only two UK organisations - and one of only four in Europe - to have gained the SEEL Quality for eLearning Regions and Cities Award.

The blueprint, described as an interactive business and learning support tool, received funding from Yorkshire Forward.

The MRS Consultancy in Northallerton has been heavily involved in developing and marketing the programme, which was launched in 2003. It has attracted more than 1,300 individuals who are using the programme to help develop strategic plans for their business.

The other organisation in the UK is the South Yorkshire e-Learning Programme.

The SEEL project is an EC-supported initiative, dedicated to finding the best e-learning at local and regional levels.

The blueprint programme was also a finalist in the 2004 World of Learning Awards, which recognise and reward those who have significantly advanced workplace productivity and performance in the training industry.

"We are delighted with the excellent response to the programme," said Tania Deacon, communications manager for the Strategy Blueprint project. "The programme has been helping the region's companies measure up to world class efficiency and productivity benchmarks.

"It is also at the core of a European Community Leonardo da Vinci project providing a strategy tool for engineering companies in France, the UK, Sweden and Italy.

"The project runs until April and, until then, the Strategy Blueprint programme is available free to all companies within the region. Any company wishing to develop its strategic plans will benefit from using it."

The programme is available on both CD-rom or via the internet at www.strategyblueprint.com. Further information is available on 01609 788 350.

Pictured, celebrating are, left to right, Tania Deacon, Roy Smith and Donna Uttley, of Strategy Blueprint, based at Ainderby Hall - D&S