Q I am a widow, 79, with a State pension of £101.18 a week and my late husband's works pension of £86.65 a month. Am I due any Pension Credit and, if so, would I have to pay any council tax as I do not pay any at present?

A You can claim Pension Credit of £9.25 a week by phoning 0800 99 1234. You would then have to pay council tax of £1.87 a week.

Q I am 57 with Incapacity Benefit of £74.15 a week and Income Support for me and my wife of £47. What can we expect to receive when she reaches 60 later in the year? She will only be due additional State Pension of 39p a week. Would we be better off if she postponed taking it?

A If your wife claims Pension Credit when she reaches 60, this will replace your Income Support. At current rates, this is about £86.41. This would take account of your wife's pension, whether she claims it or not.

Q Will my Pension Credit be affected now I have sold my house and moved into a council flat? I am 83 and have not been paying any council tax.

A It will be a few years before your Pension Credit is affected by your new situation. This is because Pension Credit is paid for a set number of years without being affected by most changes in circumstances, such as coming into some money through a house sale. Your Council Tax Benefit, however, will be reassessed immediately, taking account of your new financial situation, meaning you will most likely have to pay part, or all, of your council tax.

Q My father died last October, leaving my mother with £68 a week Widow's Benefit and £13 a week Serps. Out of this, she must pay £5 council tax and £17 rent. Should she be entitled to anything else?

A I am afraid not. She has a reduced Widow's Benefit - now called Bereavement Allowance - presumably because she was under 55 when your father died and this is only payable for a year.