THREE rural parishes that have been without a vicar for more than a year are to have a new minister.

Next month, the Bishop of Durham is to license the Reverend Amanda Pike, who will look after the Teesdale parishes of Holy Trinity at Eggleston, St James the Less of Forest and Frith, and St Mary's Church, Middleton-in-Teesdale.

Ms Pike, 36, was curate to churches in Brough, East Yorkshire.

She has three daughters, aged 11, 12 and 14, who will attend Middleton primary and Staindrop comprehensive schools.

As well as being priest-in-charge of the three parishes, she will also work in Teesdale and Staindrop Comprehensive Schools for the Barnard Castle deanery.

The parishes have been without a vicar since October 2003 when the Reverend John Clark moved to Norfolk.