HIGHWAY chiefs have criticised thieves who are risking lives by stealing drain covers and road signs.

North Yorkshire County Council said the theft of metal street furniture for scrap was costing taxpayers thousands every year.

In the latest incident, nine drain covers were stolen from the B1263 and B1264, near Northallerton sometime last month.

Mike Roberts, the county council's highways maintenance manager, said the thieves paid no regard for the safety of road users.

"They come along, lift the gully covers up and leave a hole for someone to fall down," he said.

"Similarly roads signs are often there to mark hazards and by removing them there is the potential for an accident.

"The thefts from near Northallerton were just the latest in a batch of incidents. Obviously we have to make arrangements to replace the stolen items as quickly as possible."

Council officials blame organised gangs for the thefts.

A North Yorkshire scrap merchant, who asked not to be named, said the price of scrap metal had rocketed recently, making the theft of road signs and metal covers increasingly attractive.

"You can get around 10p a kilo for cast iron," he said. "I would expect you could get at least £5 and probably as much as £10 for a manhole cover.

"It's easy money to people without any scruples."

The county council has begun using plastic for its road signs instead of metal in areas of the county where thefts are most common.

Using less valuable metals for drain covers is also being considered. Covers are also being pinned down in high-risk areas.

North Yorkshire Police has condemned the thefts.

A spokesman said: "This is stupid, dangerous and illegal - what sort of person would leave a lethal hole in the road?

"Whoever takes these items must take them somewhere to sell. We would like to think that these people would do the responsible thing and call the police as soon as possible."

Similar thefts have been reported in recent months in County Durham.

Anyone who witnesses the theft of street furniture is asked to call North Yorkshire Police on (0845) 6060247.