A WOMAN who has plagued a village with her extreme behaviour has been made subject of an anti-social behaviour order for three years.

Bishop Auckland Magistrates heard yesterday how Stacey Ord, 19, of Village Farm, West Cornforth, made life unpleasant for people living in the village by driving in an anti-social manner, shouting abuse from her car window and playing her car radio too loud over a period of seven months.

The order prohibits her from:

Being drunk and disorderly in any place to which the public have access; using words or gestures that are rude or offensive in any place to which the public have access; throwing or otherwise propelling any object at or toward any property or person without good reason or lawful authority; driving any motor vehicle in a manner causing or likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress to any person; playing any music on a car stereo causing or likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress to any person; using a car horn causing or likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress to any person; driving any motor vehicle containing two or more passengers; being at any time within the centre of West Cornforth while driving or as a passenger, except when on public transport, on foot or when travelling by taxi; damaging or taking any property belonging to others except with their express permission; assaulting, harassing, intimidating, threatening or abusing any person; inciting or encouraging others to commit any act prohibited by this order.

The order is in place for the whole of the Durham Constabulary area.