Two Japan fanatics are looking forward to travelling to the Far Eastern country for the first time.

Jill Clay and Katie Chaplin will fly out tomorrow after saving up for a year for the trip.

The pair run Vintage Kimono, a company based at Aske Hall, near Richmond, selling Japanese art and kimono dresses.

During their three-week visit they will source new products, learn new Japanese craft skills and do voluntary work at a school in Hiroshima. They are also paying £600 for a geisha to entertain them with traditional songs and dance for an evening.

Mrs Clay, 40, said: "We've both loved everything Japanese ever since we were children and this has always been a dream for us.

"Excitement isn't a strong enough word - hopefully it will be the first of many trips."

The two women will be teaching children how to silk paint during the trip. They will also teach girls how to wear a kimono - a skill that has been lost in some parts of Japan.