YOUNG people in County Durham and Darlington are the first North-East targets for chlamidia screening in local health clinics.

County Durham is the primary area to get funds, and Sedgefield Primary Care Trust (PCT) will start screening for the sexually-transmitted disease next month.

Two years ago, York was part of the first wave of chlamidia screening.

Lynn Wilson, chlamidia screening programme leader said: "The rate of chlamidia infection has almost doubled in County Durham over the past five years, mirroring the national increase.

"The new screening service is an easy way for young people to find out if they have the infection, as they can take their own test."

The screening programme follows a successful bid by the six primary care trusts in County Durham and Darlington for £150,000 from the Department of Health.

Apart from family planning centres, hospital clinics and GP surgeries, efforts will also be made to reach young people in the community.

Screening, treatment and advice on sexual health and self-taken tests or postal testing kits will be offered at clinics around the Sedgefield, Newton Aycliffe and Shildon area, County Durham.

A weekly screening clinic is planned next month at the Dalton Way Health Centre, in Newton Aycliffe, near Darlington.

To contact the chlamidia screening service, call 0191-587 6016.