PATIENTS in an east Durham town are now able to get urgent healthcare and treatment near their home 24 hours a day, without needing an appointment.

Peterlee's Urgent Care Centre, based at the Peterlee Community Hospital in O'Neill Drive, will be able to help patients with minor complaints.

An Easington Primary Care Trust spokesman said patients do not need to make an appointment, and can be treated for fractures and sprains, whiplash, minor cuts and wounds, ear and throat infections, chest infections and vomiting or abdominal pain. They can also be given help for skin complaints, diarrhoea and emergency contraception.

However, when GP surgeries are closed, patients who are too unwell to travel or are unable to get to the Urgent Care Centre should contact 0845 603 3131 - which replaces the existing out-of-hours number.

For patients living in Seaham or Murton, there is an additional local clinic for urgent healthcare from 9am to noon on Saturday mornings.

The clinic is based at the New Seaham Medical Centre, East Dene Road, Seaham.