Leadgate WI: The March meeting was presided over by Bessie Griffiths, vice-president in the absence of Mrs Walker, who was indisposed.

A new member and a guest were welcomed and after the singing of Jerusalem the theme, The Charms of Durham, was read by Mrs Buchan. The business was dealt with by Mrs Hedley and the financial statement given by Mrs Moody after which there was a tour of the East Coast local resorts on slides.

Mrs Hedley thanked Bob Vallelly on behalf of the members. The raffle was won by Mrs Butterfield and the competition, a present from the seaside, was won by Mrs Alderson, second Mrs Donnison and third Mrs Redshaw.

Tantobie WI: The March meeting was the AGM. Mrs Gibson WI advisor was present. The secretary's report, the treasurer's report and the president's address were presented. The committee was re-elected and Mrs Smith was re-elected president.

Arrangements were made for going to the group meeting and to the Theatre Royal. The competition was won by Mrs Oliver, Mrs Smith and Mrs Wallace. The raffle was won by Mrs Henderson. Mrs Wallace was presented with a card and two lovely rose trees for her golden wedding anniversary. Mrs Gibson gave a talk on the WI activities in the Durham Federation. Mrs Wallace gave the vote of thanks.