RESIDENTS on a Darlington street who are plagued by speeding cars are demanding the council takes action.

People living in Eastmount Road want speed cameras installed because of the number of speeding vehicles using their street as a shortcut between Haughton Road and North Road.

The road, which already has "slow" marked on and 30mph signs, is also heavily used by heavy goods vehicles because it lies within an industrial estate.

Yesterday, residents voiced their fears that a child would be killed if improvements were not made.

Mother-of-two Debbie Dalton, 40, said: "There are small children living here. How we haven't had a child killed we do not know. I think it's just because the children are so aware - they have to be."

Jayne Lindsay, 38, also mother of two, said: "The cars come flying round the bend. They seem to think the corner is a race track."

Margaret Branley, 52, said she was terrified to let her disabled son George, 25, who has severe learning and behavioural problems, out of the house.

"If he came out of the front and wandered off who knows what would happen. You get a giant articulated lorry and you stand no chance."

Carole Gilmour, 47, is leading the campaign. She has filmed cars speeding and is collecting signatures for a petition.