COLLEGE students have donated more than £1,200 to charity after a fundraising campaign in memory of a friend who died after her body rejected a heart transplant.

Youngsters at Darlington College of Technology have staged a host of events to raise cash since the death last year of Rachel Wakeford.

Rachel, from Darlington, had to have a have a heart transplant in 2001 when she was 14 after contracting a viral infection.

Despite taking 22 pills a day for her new heart, her body rejected the organ three years later and she died last February.

Inspired by Rachel's memory, her friends decided to help the British Heart Foundation and for the past year have staged a college lottery, raffles, collections and a sponsored walk.

The money raised came to £1,266 in cheques and £473 cash, which was handed over to British Heart Foundation area manager Fiona Turner at a ceremony attended by Rachel's parents, Paul and Carol.

Tutor Ruth Beckett said: "When Rachel died last year, we were all devastated and, after going to church, the students decided they wanted to do something to remember her by."

Mrs Turner said: "It's a horrible thing that has happened to Rachel and we want to stop it happening to any one else in the future. I am really proud of what the students have done - it's a fantastic achievement."