THE Campaign for Real Ale (Camra) last night voiced its disapproval at controversial plans to demolish a landmark Darlington pub.

The White Horse Pub and Hotel, in North Road, at Harrowgate Hill, is facing closure after proposals to demolish it to make way for apartments were unveiled.

Premier Homes UK wants to build 24 one-bedroom and 40 two-bedroom apartments on the land. But the development has been greeted by angry protests among local residents and Whessoe parish council. More than 300 people have already registered their objections with Darlington Borough Council, ahead of a planning committee meeting on Wednesday, May 11.

And protestors have been given a boost by Camra's announcement that it is also opposing the scheme. The Darlington branch has submitted a detailed written objection to the council, urging the plans to be refused.

Camra chairman Ian Jackson said: "An emergency motion raising the issue was tabled at our packed branch annual general meeting last week and members agreed unanimously to fight this greedy plan, which would deprive thousands of Harrowgate Hill residents of a pub.

"There has been a White Horse Inn on this site for at least 150 years. We, and a growing number of local residents, say there is a need for it for many years yet."

A public meeting has already taken place. A residents' spokesman has also been nominated to address the borough council's planning committee meeting.