RURAL crime fighters have received a boost after turning to the latest technology in the battle against burglars and thieves.

Sponsorship from North-East insurance group BiB means Darlington Rural Watch can expand its text messaging initiative. Rural Watch covers an area from Middleton St George to Coatham Mundeville.

Its members are villagers, farmers and people living in isolated properties, who currently pay a monthly amount to receive texts from group chairman Derek Hill about suspicious activity in the area.

The sponsorship from BiB will allow the group to continue the service in the future.

Mr Hill said: "The text messaging works well, but members have to pay for it themselves. This funding means we can offer it to them as a free service paid for by the group and that way more people are likely to get involved. We hope that other groups will join."

The support from Darlington-based BiB will also fund a newsletter and membership cards.