Darlington is at the forefront of disability awareness, with the launch of a new website.

The Wheelygood site, which was launched yesterday by Darlington Association on Disability (Dad), provides an interactive guide to show disabled people how to get around town.

An online map shows all the buildings that are accessible by wheelchairs and scooters, accessible parking places, and dropped kerbs.

It is the first of its kind in the country, and took about a year to create. It is financed by Darlington Borough Council, as part of its local transport plan.

Darlington MP Alan Milburn launched the website yesterday. He said: "This is a very important facility, and provides certainty for disabled people, rather than leaving it to chance.

"It is a small thing, but it is about being socially inclusive. We can be very proud that we have such a strong community."

Gordon Pybus, chairman of Dad, said: "Other places are sticking their toes in the water with things like this, but Darlington is in the water and swimming. The website is also a great opportunity to see gaps in the market, and hopefully will encourage more to sign up."

The information and advice can be found at the website www.wheelygood.org