PET owners are being urged to take advantage of a neutering scheme which is launched today

The RSPCA's North Tees and Middlesbrough branches are offering free cat, dog and rabbit neutering in Stockton and Middlesbrough.

Chief Inspector Neil Mitchell said: "Every day we deal with unwanted animals and litters that have been abandoned, dumped by roadsides and in woodland because their owners cannot, or will not, cope with them.

"But this situation is easily avoidable if only more pet owners would do the responsible thing and get their animal neutered."

Each year, the RSPCA treats scores of cats that have been injured in fights or road accidents while in pursuit of a mate.

A neutered cat is less inclined to stray, less likely to contract FIV, the feline equivalent of AIDS, and highly unlikely to breed.

If a male dog remains unneutered, it can be at risk from testicular cancer and may experience violent urges.

To have a pet neutered, call (01642) 654487 and leave your name, address and telephone number. Also leave details of the type of animal, its colour and sex, and nominate the vet you would like to use for the neutering .

The RSPCA will automatically notify and pay the vet concerned, so that all the owner has to do is make an appointment and take the animal to the surgery.

The cost of neutering dogs, as part of this campaign, is being subsidised by the Dogs Trust.