YOUNG dancers are reaping the rewards of their hard work under the expert eye of veteran teacher Linda Camsell.

The Linda Camsell School of Dance, known as The Camsell Crew, returned from a recent championship in North Yorkshire laden with silverware.

A 40-strong team, aged five to 18, represented the dance school, from Stanley, County Durham, in the four-day Filey festival.

They made their mark in all age groups and categories, most notably sweeping the board in the Under-10 Championship Slow section.

Mrs Camsell said: "They were excellent across the board, in all ages and grades, from beginners, to starter, intermediate and championship level.

"They're very enthusiastic and have put a lot of effort in, so they deserve a bit of recognition."

She began the school 28 years ago to meet the upsurge in interest in disco following the John Travolta Saturday Night Fever film.

The latest freestyle craze is bringing more youngsters to her twice-weekly classes.

She said: "It's a real mix, with elements from ballet, to stage, jazz, street music and rock 'n' roll. We take anyone from three to 18, but it's so energetic it's not really for the older dance enthusiast."

Mrs Camsell has won praise from community police officers in Stanley for her efforts in enthusing so many young people, with up to 60 attending sessions.

The Camsell Crew meets at the Hiberrnia Club, in Station Road, Stanley, on a Wednesday, from 7pm to 9pm, and at Stanley Community Centre, Tyne Road, on Saturday, from 10am to 5pm. Anyone interested in attending is asked to ring (01207) 237305.