YOUNGSTERS at schools across North Yorkshire are being asked to help save lives by designing a poster.

Yorkshire Water is inviting primary school pupils to warn of the dangers of swimming in reservoirs.

Last year, a teenager died while trying to swim across Cod Beck reservoir, near Northallerton, and the company does not want to see such tragedy repeated.

"The message to stay out of the water in the reservoirs during the summer months is very important and one which we reiterate every year," said campaigns manager, David Simister.

"This year, however, we wanted to go one step further, by involving a group which can be most at risk - children."

The winner of the competition will have their sign made professionally and their school will receive a water cooler worth £395.

One runner-up will also have their sign made professionally, and displayed on community boards near their local reservoir, while their school will receive 100 Icytonic water bottles.

The competition judges will be looking for designs which reflect the serious message that swimming in reservoirs can kill.

For more information, or to download competition entry forms, schools can log on, or contact Laura Manuel on (01274) 692587.