A TEENAGE father-to-be was yesterday told by magistrates that he had too much to lose to continue re-offending.

The 16-year-old appeared before Darlington Youth Court after admitting criminal damage to a police cell, stealing a number plate and breaching a conditional discharge.

Sentencing him to a 12-month community rehabilitation order, Magistrate Leslie Abbot said: "You have a hell of a lot to lose. You are no mug, so do not be one. Mugs only lose in this world."

The teenager was ordered to pay £26.42 compensation for carving names into a police cell bench, and £50 costs.

The court was told the number plate was from a Piaggio scooter that was stolen in August last year.

Ciaran Grogan, prosecuting, said the number plate was found after police searched the boy's house.

"He found the number plate in a park, took it, and added it to a collection he has. It could be called theft by finding."

The court also heard the boy broke his conditional discharge by riding a stolen bike, although there was no suggestion he stole it.

Stephen Andrews, mitigating, said the boy was in the middle of a vocational learning course.

"There are a number of positives in this young man's life," he said. "He has a certain level of maturity and a sense of responsibility. He knows if he crosses the line again, he runs the risk of a custodial sentence, which will mean he will not see his girlfriend and his child.

"He has far too much to lose, and now realises that to be the case."