A MAN who caused more than £60,000 worth of damage when he sparked a ferocious blaze at his home has been told he may be jailed.

David Hazel, 23, wrecked his home at The Avenue Vivian, Fencehouses, Derwentside, and destroyed a neighbour's house when he set fire to his curtains on March 5 last year.

Newcastle Crown Court heard how the rented property Hazel shared with his girlfriend was so badly damaged that insurers said it may not be worth repairing because it could cost £59,000.

The neighbour, who had lived there for five years, lost £1,000 in the fire and has since moved. Hazel told police he had been drinking lager on the morning of the fire.

Judge Michael Taylor adjourned sentence so a psyciatrist who has been treating Hazel can give evidence in court. He said: "I am minded to think a life sentence is probably appropriate in this case."

Hazel, who admitted arson, being reckless as to whether life was endangered, was remanded in custody until a hearing in three weeks.