A WOMAN was tied up by three men during a burglary at her home.

The intruders demanded money after they burst into her house, on the Haydon Grange estate, Newcastle.

The 40-year-old's ordeal began at 3.30pm on Thursday when she answered the door to a man who said he was carrying out a survey on behalf of a free weekly newspaper.

Shortly after, two men arrived and bundled the woman into the house, forced her upstairs, tied her up and demanded money.

The woman handed over a large amount of money and the men left. She suffered rope burns to her wrist but was otherwise unhurt.

The first man was 18 to 20, 5ft 8ins, slim, with cropped light-brown hair. The others were taller and heavier, and wore black balaclavas and black coats.

The woman and her family do not wish to be identified, and are offering a reward for information leading to the conviction of those responsible. Anyone with information is asked to call police on 0191-214 6555, ext 62243