TWO radio stars got the fright of their lives when they investigated ghostly goings-on at one of the region's most haunted pubs.

Radio One DJ Scott Mills and sports pundit Mark Chapman visited The Golden Fleece, in York, for an episode of Living TV's Most Haunted series, with presenter Yvette Fielding.

The programme's parapsychologist, Ciaran O'Keeffe, said: "When the Radio One crew arrived, it seemed as though they were treating it as one big laugh.

"However, it soon became apparent, even on the first vigil, all of them were scared."

Unexplained events included a tap turning itself on, a table moving suddenly and sudden changes in temperature.

Clips played of the show on radio have revealed Ms Fielding burst into tears during the shoot, when she thought someone whispered in her ear.

All three screamed when a movement sensor on recording equipment activated an alarm in the pub.

The 500-year-old pub has been run by Kevin Pollitt, and his partner, Lesley Casson, for two-and-a-half years.

Mr Pollitt said: "People keep seeing the same sort of things."

The building is said to be haunted by various spirits, including the wife of the former owner and Lord Mayor of York John Peckett.

The episode of Most Haunted will be shown tomorrow on Livingtv at 9pm.

Published: 18/04/2005