TWO new tourist attractions in a remote corner of the North-East, including a troubled heritage railway, are to appear on national television.

Harperley prisoner-of-war camp and the Weardale Railway, in County Durham, will feature on BBC1's Holiday programme tonight.

Presenter Joe Mace visited the dale last summer to see the transformation of a former Second World War camp into a visitors centre and holiday accommodation and to travel on the historic line, which closed at New Year after only six months.

The television crew was so impressed that they decided to keep footage of the railway in the episode, because they felt confident that it would re-open later this year.

Programme researcher Ben Crichton said: "It is part of the story of the area's regeneration and there is so much local involvement with such enthusiasm.

"If we felt there was a great probability it would not start up again, it would be irresponsible of us to include it in the programme."

A spokesperson for the Weardale Railway Trust said: "We're delighted the BBC has such a positive view of the railway and its future, but it is unlikely that any trains will be running until August at the earliest."

Camp owners James and Lisa McLeod said the attraction had about 120,000 visitors in its first year and believe the show will help put the area on the international tourism map.

Mr McLeod said: "It is time people realised what is on offer in the area and programmes like this can only help."

Mr Crichton said: "The project at Harperley is new, if not unique, and in a part of the country which is under-represented by programmes like ourselves.

"It gave us a chance to look at the gateway to Weardale and the North-East. It is an area with beautiful natural charms."

Published: 18/04/2005