A SCHEME requiring householders in County Durham to first apply for a permit before using vans or trailers to dump rubbish is being refined to allow more flexibility.

The changes were revealed in a report to Durham County Council's scrutiny sub-committee after an investigation into household waste recycling centres in the county.

The report, which was approved for cabinet consideration, also includes a range of recommendations to improve the recycling centres.

The permit scheme was introduced to help tackle the illegal use of recycling centres by people depositing trade waste.

The system, introduced in December last year, requires householders to apply for a free permit if they want to use a trailer, van, truck or commercial vehicle to dump domestic or garden rubbish at any of the 17 amenity sites.

But the restrictions, including a maximum of five permits per application, with a limit of 14 uses on each permit, has led to protests from members of the public and district councils.

Proposals now include extending the validity of permits to 28 days and allowing the request of permits in advance - for example, the third Wednesday of every month for five months.

Householders will also be allowed to request permits in advance.

The scrutiny sub-committee has recommended the cabinet considers having better signs on sites, extending opening hours and the possibility of action to improve traffic flows on popular sites.