A WOMAN has praised her neighbours who came to her aid when she was in labour and, 15 years later, helped save her life.

Yvonne Hobson, 58, of Arran Walk, Darlington, suffered a severe heart attack 18 months ago.

Neighbours Wendy and Nigel Browne not only called the paramedics, but, after she came out of hospital, have supported her during the long recuperation.

Fifteen years earlier, the couple drove Mrs Hobson to hospital for the birth of her son, Phillip, when husband, Phil, was working away.

It was during the summer of 2003 that Mr and Mrs Browne collected Mrs Hobson from work after she became unwell.

Later that afternoon, Mrs Browne was in the garden when Phillip ran out shouting that his mother had collapsed, so she phoned an ambulance.

"It turned out I had had a massive heart attack and had stopped breathing," said Mrs Hobson, who was in hospital for more than a month.

When she got home, the Brownes arranged a surprise meal, with Mrs Hobson guest of honour.

Mr Browne even wrote a poem to welcome their neighbour home.

"It brought tears to my eyes," said Mrs Hobson.

Mrs Hobson regularly returns to hospital and recently underwent a double heart bypass operation.

The Brownes, who modestly said they only did what any friend would, mark all of her hospital appointments with a good luck card.

Mr and Mrs Browne will be presented with a Neighbour From Heaven certificate, and are in with a chance of winning the grand prize, a £1,500 holiday courtesy of The Cruise Store. If they win, Mrs Hobson will receive £250 worth of holiday vouchers.

To nominate someone for the award, known as an Obsa (Outstanding Behaviour Special Award), which is the opposite to an Anti-Social Behaviour Order (Asbo), send your entry to: Northern Echo Neighbours from Heaven, Priestgate, Darlington, DL1 1NF.

The closing date is June 1.