CAMPAIGNERS for a new war memorial in Chester-le-Street are calling on residents to join them.

The Chester-le-Street War Memorial Association was formed a year ago to raise money for a new monument to all service personnel from the area who died in conflict, including the two world wars.

The town has a granite obelisk near Church Chare, but the look of it is unpopular with many residents, particularly ex-service people.

It replaced a memorial dedicated to the dead of the First World War that was built at the bottom of Front Street in 1925, but taken down in 1962.

The association is holding its first annual meeting at 7.30pm on Wednesday, in the Greenbank Club, Ropery Lane.

Committee member Colin Rose, a former DLI soldier, of Perkinsville, said the association had raised about £1,600 and more than 100 members.

As well as seeking charity status, the group will look at potential sites and designs and will seek grants.

Mr Rose said: "The support we got when we started off and we did a campaign on the streets was very good.

"We had a questionnaire that we got a very good response to. At our first meeting we had 70 people turn up, which was very good.

"There is a lot of support from the people of Chester-le-Street, but we would like it if more people came on board.

"We need more members and more people on the committee."