BLIND martial arts expert Mark Paterson has conquered his greatest challenge, by becoming one of the highest-trained teachers in the area.

He has overcome numerous obstacles in his life, but gaining the eighth dan in Black Belt qualifications is his most treasured achievement.

The 37-year-old, who is registered blind after he was born with only seven per cent vision, has now launched a business venture with the support of his new qualification.

With help from Action for Blind People, Mr Paterson has set up classes in Guisborough and Redcar, east Cleveland, and, for the first time, is planning to teach a class of women.

Mr Paterson, who lives in Lazenby, east Cleveland, teaches a modernised system of the Japanese aiki jujitsu fighting technique.

He said: "The techniques I will be showing in my new classes use everything from throws and locks to pressure-point fighting."

Through Action for Blind People, which helps blind and partially-sighted people into work, Mr Paterson has secured funding and drawn up his business plan.

His love for martial arts began in Malaysia, when he lived there as a child with his parents. His interest continued back home in the UK, and when he failed to find a teaching class in the area, he practised with friends.

As time went on, he learned other disciplines such as tae kwon do and jujitsu, and started teaching in 1995 when one of his instructors became ill and he took over the class.

He holds public martial arts classes at Laurence Jackson School, Guisborough, on Wed-nesdays, from 7.30pm to 9pm.

His first women's class, also at the school, will start on Tuesday, May 3.

To enrol, call Mr Paterson on (07979) 557227.