A 29-year-old man was last night charged with the murder of teenager Kimberley Bage.

The Hartlepool man was arrested on Saturday following the discovery of the 16-year-old's body at her mother's home on Friday.

He will appear before the town's magistrates this morning.

The youngster, known to friends as Kim, was found with multiple stab wounds in Troutpool Close, Hartlepool, on Friday lunchtime.

It is understood that Kimberley divided her time between the house, where her mother, Paula Hanley, 31, and her younger brothers, Christian and Brian, lived, and her grandparents home nearby.

Kim went to St Hilda's School in the town until last year.

Among a number of tributes being made over the weekend was that from her friend Claire Robson, 17.

She said: "Kim was bright, she was funny and you could have a laugh with her. She had everything going for her. It is such a shame this should happen to someone at 16."

A report from a Home Office pathologist is expected to establish exactly how Kimberley died.

The murder investigation is being led by Detective Superintendent Tony Hutchinson.

Police are appealing for help and anyone with information is asked to contact Cleveland Police on (01642) 303187.