SPECIALLY designed tax disc holders are being handed out across east Durham as part of a drive against thieves.

The theft of vehicle licences has been a minor, but persistent problem for some time in the area with a number of motorists left out-of-pocket by thieves who have broken into their cars and made off with road fund discs.

As part of a major campaign targeting vehicle crime, funding has now been made available for the purchase of more than 3000 tamper-proof tax disc holders.

These secure the road fund licence firmly to the windscreen and are designed to shed into several pieces if interfered with.

When the time comes for the owner to renew their road fund they simply have to scrap the old licence and its container and get one of the new replacement holders for the new disc.

The project has been funded by the District of Easington Community Safety Partnership and is part of "Operation Molten'' a long running crackdown on vehicle crime in east Durham.

The holders will be available free of charge from Seaham and Peterlee police stations, main post offices and selected car dealerships.

Acting Det Insp Steve Chapman said: "We hope this move will go a long way to combat what has been a small-scale, but persistent problem. "A number of vehicles have been broken into in the last few months and the tax discs removed.

"Replacing the licence itself is fairly straighforward but the real inconvenience is caused by the owner having to find the time and money to repair the damage caused.''

The initiative is one of a number aimed at raising awareness of vehicle crime in east Durham.

Last month, the safety partnership paid for the distribution of thousands of air fresheners bearing crime prevention advice.

These were handed out by Neighbourhood Watch groups at displays and presentations given by local police and on themed days at major supermarkets.

The trial continues.