YOUNGSTERS were inspired to explore the life of clowns after watching a clip of the famous International Cirque de Soleil.

Artist Lady Kitt, 23, was on hand at Bishop Auckland Town Hall last night to encourage the children to wear face paints and blow into kazoos and demonstrate how they would behave if they lived in a circus.

Children aged between eight and 14 attend weekly drama sessions organised by the Laurel Drama Group.

Lady Kitt, who had taken the group over for the night from her mother and drama instructor, Sue Kane, said: "I wanted the children to explore the other side of clowns. Not just the funny, clumsy clowns,but also the theatrical clowns.

"It gives them a chance to express themselves."

The drama group, which meets at the town hall every Monday and Friday evening, introduces youngsters to all aspects of the theatre, including how to write scripts, how to use props and how to bring characters to life. Lady Kitt said: "They enjoy coming along and having some fun."