Castleside WI

president Mrs Nelson welcomed members to the April meeting. After the secretary and treasurer's reports, money was collected and arrangements made for the county craft exhibition at Ripley Castle in May.

We agreed to have a cake stall at the local carnival in July. Mrs Tailford won the mystery prize given by Mrs Shipley and the family photograph competition was won by Mrs Armstrong.

Mr Kelly gave an enjoyable talk and slide show on his family history. The evening meal at Harperley Hall in March was a great success.

The next meeting will be on May 11 when Mr Dunn will take us to the music hall.

South Moor WI

presidentJoyce Wright welcomed members to the April meeting. Sick members were remembered and sympathy was extended to June George and family on the death of her husband.

A humorous poem was read by Doreen Pearson - Clippy Mats. The secretary read the minutes of the March meeting and county letter. Names were taken for the outing to Whitby in June, and final arrangements for the show at Washington.

The raffle donated by Winnie Batey was won by Ann Weir. The speaker Barbara, from Age Concern, gave an informative talk and was thanked by Ann Weir. The competition, a glass animal, was judged by Barbara - 1 June George, 2 Vera Soulsby, 3 Doreen Pearson. The evening ended with members playing charades.

Annfield Plain WI

President Genia Collin welcomed members to the April meeting. Secretary Miss Ellwood dealt with correspondence and treasurer Ruth Bates gave the financial report.

The Golden Thread, A Message from the Flowers, was read by Mavis Crawford and the item of interest came from Lily Whitworth, who read a nostalgic poem Memories of Stanley.

Forthcoming visits to Snods for dinner and to the lavender fields in August were discussed. The recent group meeting at Burnopfield, attended by most members, had been an excellent evening.

The resolutions for the annual meeting at the Royal Albert Hall in June were discussed and agreed upon.

The competition, an Easter bonnet, was won by Jean Pinner and the mystery raffle by Jennie Welch.

The rest of the evening was members' night. Our next meeting in May will be the annual general meeting.

East Stanley WI

PRESIDENT Anne Stayman welcomed members to the April meeting.

Birthday greetings were given to Una Swan and Rita Hall.

We attended the group meeting hosted by Burnopfield WI, where we had an enjoyable evening, our member Rita Hall won the craft competition with her knitted doll.

In March we hosted one of the darts heats where our B-team won through to the county finals, unfortunately they did not win. The raffle was won by Hilary Baker.

The speaker Les McGhee, from Asquith's Jewellers, gave an interesting talk on the history of diamonds, which he illustrated with slides. He was given a warm vote of thanks by Rae Smith. The next meeting will be held on May 9, members are reminded to bring along items for the bric-a-brac stall.

Lanchester WI

President Jesse Goodall introduced the April meeting. Nearly 60 members and guests attended the Antiques Open Evening. Maurice Reed from Haydon Bridge cast his experienced eye over the wide selection of valuables brought. He assessed each item, giving date, use, construction then auction and insurance valuations. Jesse Goodall gave the vote of thanks expressing how enjoyable and informative the meeting had been. There were also several lucky raffle winners.

Satley WI

The April meeting was attended by 17 members. Mrs Bell, standing in as president, introduced Margaret Blyth from the Home Sitter service who gave an interesting talk

Mrs Gibson and Mrs Portwood gave details of the outing on Thursday, May 26, a trip to the Borders including a visit to Manderston. Extra names to Mrs Gibson.

Mrs Plews made a hat for the county meeting competition. We have booked two tables for the county car boot sale on July 16 at Witton-le-Wear. The competition for a key ring was 1 Mrs Portwood, 2 Mrs Griggs, 3 Mrs Hall; raffle winner Mrs Gould.

The next meeting is on May 9 at 7.15pm, with Lawrence and Joan Staley of Teesdale Glass Engraving. The meeting will be back in the parish hall after refurbishment.