ARTISTS across the country are taking part in a painting protest to save the landscape from industrial development.

Artists Against Wind Farms, who are campaigning to halt the construction of wind turbines, are to hold an event, called Paint it While It's There, next Sunday.

The group is urging artists to take part, and sketch their local landscape, before it becomes industrialised.

Environmentalist Dr David Bellamy is among the group's supporters.

"Applications for wind turbine sites are burgeoning in some of the most unspoilt corners of the UK, threatening to industrialise areas that epitomise the essence of the British Isles," he said.

"Are we prepared to lose this precious heritage for the sake of a small amount of intermittent energy, hugely subsidised and incapable of having any impact at all on reversing global warming?"

For more details, go to for details of organised events.

Published: 26/04/2005