COMMUNITY leaders want to work with youngsters to bring an end to anti-social behaviour problems.

Youths have been causing trouble in Middleton St George.

Dozens of discarded cans of beer and lager, as well as drug-taking equipment, have also been found.

The parish council is eager to provide services for local youngsters - but insists that they must give up drink and drugs.

Chairwoman Doris Jones said: "We want to work with these young people and we have brought youth workers in to ask them what they want to do - other than drink and drugs.

"We're sitting on a small amount of money that has been contributed by developers for young people, but we're at a loss as to what to spend it on. We're trying to get through to this older element of kids, a small nucleus who are spoiling things for the rest of the village."

Efforts are being made to recruit youngsters to a new fishing club at the Water Park, while a £10,000 grant from the Football Foundation will go towards improving the village's football pitch.